Page name: All Things Aragorn [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-10-08 20:45:49
Last author: Charybdis
Owner: Brindawyn
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All Things Aragorn


Hey peoples! This wiki is run by [Brindawyn] and [LonelyTylenol]. Its a wiki entirley devoted to Aragorn.

We would ask you to put the banner in your house, but you'd get in trouble with the guards for breaking one of the "Uploading Art Rules."

We'll update and add stuffs laters

here's the first new addition to our page! Kingly Quotes

Here's our member's might move in the future. Feel free to add your name and you favorite thing about Aragorn.

1) [Brindawyn] All of him!! he's mine!!
2) [LonelyTylenol] Hmm... toughie... His face and hair, BEFORE he turns all kingly.
3) [walk_tall] "I see in your eyes, the same fear that would take a heart of me."
4)[adriane]MINE MINE MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5)[living in a nightmare] he is sooooo hot!!!
6)[Sabriel the Necromancer] i love this man!
7)[Coldfire1] hottest acter on set
8)[star_warrior20] *bows before King Aragorn*
9) [Cede] naga da thaia (they all will die(I probably spelt that wrong))
10) [Terra Incognita] *goes into a fit of uncontrollable drolling and is rendered unable to speak*
11) [666 ~My HeARt bLeeDs~ 666] i love aaragon!
12)[Lady_Elowyn]He makes such a great king... *Bows before the king*
13)[Negorozigann]Aragorn, he is simply the best of all human.
14)[Mira Ravenheart] Aragorn is by far the best character in an amazing series. I love his character, and I love his acter (Viggo <3).
15)[666 ~My HeARt bLeeDs~ 666] aragorn is my future husband! lmao

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2004-06-20 [LonelyTylenol]: I was ready to spend my own money on it... My dad won't let me buy it, though. I would need to use him to buy it because the only way to get it is online so I would need to pay them back for the use of a credit card. My dad says he doesn't want me to spend that much money on something I can't use... I say I know I can't use it, but I want it. I want it so bad. She hardly cares. She'd be just as happy with a fell beast action figure, but she gets a sword. And soon, I know it'll happen. She's going to get mad at me for something stupid, and I'm going to get mad at her and she's just going to say, "You're just jealous of my sword." And I'm going to say "No shit, Sherlock." 'cause it's...

2004-06-20 [LonelyTylenol]: Like, well, duh! I've been wanting this thing forever way longer than you've wanted that sword. You didn't even show any real interest in it. You didn't even put it on your birthday/x-mas list once, not to mention the other 14 times I put it on there. Do you all understand my pain? I'm about ready to stab her in her sleep with that stupid sword. I hate her and I hate Don for giving it to her. It's just not Goddamn fair. That's all there is to it. There's nothing more I could do that would help me get it and there's nothing less she could've done. Soemthing really doesn't add up here... And it's not like she's even going to be able to take it with her. She's going off to...

2004-06-20 [LonelyTylenol]: College. I don't think the U of M will let her take it with her. I think they've basically rejected conceal and carry on the U grounds. The entire campus has probably got an anti-gun policy. It doesn't make sense. She's not even going to look at it more than once a month.

2004-06-20 [LonelyTylenol]: Oh. I found out, it's not Anduril, it's Glamdring. I just couldn't see it appropriately and was told not to touch it until she gave me permission...

2004-07-01 [walk_tall]: hey no one is writting in here. where is everyonoe

2004-07-02 [LonelyTylenol]: I don't know... I think we all just ran out of things to say...

2004-07-02 [walk_tall]: com eon epeople talk talk talk. you didnt; make this wiki for nothing

2004-07-02 [LonelyTylenol]: Who says? JK.

2004-07-02 [walk_tall]: huh?

2004-07-02 [LonelyTylenol]: Who says it wasn't made for nothing? Just being sarcastic. Never mind...

2004-07-02 [walk_tall]: oooo I see I gotcha

2004-08-13 [walk_tall]: Welcome [adriane]

2004-08-13 [Brindawyn]: hullo!

2004-08-13 [walk_tall]: helllllo

2004-08-13 [Brindawyn]: I'm alive again!

2004-08-13 [walk_tall]: when were you not

2004-08-13 [Brindawyn]: i've been gone a haven't been online much

2004-08-13 [walk_tall]: same ehre

2004-08-13 [walk_tall]: same here

2004-08-13 [Brindawyn]: hehe...i'm having an LOTR party tomorrow....uhh well i guess its today now

2004-08-13 [walk_tall]: no way have fun. not fair. oh well mine won;t be until december when return of the King coems out. hehehe a LOTR marathon I'll have. :D

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